I lived over 20 years in the San Francisco/Bay Area. 3 years ago I moved to Florida and I am truly missing California's lifestyle and culture.
Any Californians out there who would like to get together as a social group?
15 Things You Will Miss When You Leave CaliforniaCalifornians have got it good. They’ve got it so good in fact, that when they leave, they quickly notice all that the state had to offer. Here are a few things near and dear to Californians hearts that they find unbearable to part with. SHOP CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC TEES - New Designs for men & women1. The WeatherIt’s universally understood that it is pretty much always beautiful in California. The sun shines, the waves crash blissfully on the beaches, and the landscapes, both natural and man-made are always on point. Good luck finding the same raw beauty esthetics elsewhere.2. Avocado AbundanceWho doesn’t love a good avocado? Californians REALLY love their avocados. Avocado toast? Sure. Avocado smoothies? Even better. Avocado cake? Absolutely! Only in California. Seriously. The rest of the world will give you awkward sideways stares. Avocado lovers, unite – and flock to California, the land of the delicious, creamy green fruit.3. Landscape
Hello Californians! Would you like to meet for coffee and being able to meet other Californians like you? Join this group! Far or Near is a great page to meet new people and it is for free!